Value of Sport Report – A Summary
Whether playing, watching or teaching sport - there’s no question it’s at the heart of our national identity. The study on physical activity and sport by Sport New Zealand found that being physically active creates happier, healthier people, better connected communities and a stronger economy. Around 2,000 Kiwis were surveyed and previous research from around the world was reviewed to help find these relationships.
The findings point beyond the primary health benefits of being physically active. For parents and teachers - the evidence shows a positive relationship between physical activity and children’s cognitive control, planning, concentration, attention, reasoning ability and on task behaviour. Participation in physical activity also extends to improved academic performance and class attendance. Outside of the classroom, Physical activity and sport helps create a sense of belonging and community identity.
Here are some key findings from the Value of Sport research:
- 92% of the people believe being active keeps them physically fit, and helps relieve stress
- 88% believe that sport and physical activities provides them with opportunities to achieve and help build confidence
- 84% believe sport and physical activity bring people together and create a sense of belonging
- 74% say sport and physical activity help build vibrant and stimulating communities
- 86% agree that high performance sport both helps instil a sense of pride in our country, and contributes to our national identity as New Zealanders
- Sport and active recreation contributes $4.9 billion or 2.3% to our annual GDP. The sector employs more than 53,000 New Zealanders

From this comprehensive report we can see the many benefits of physical activity. All parties should be proactive in encouraging participation in physical activity and sport. This continued investment will help keep New Zealanders active, happier and healthier!
View the useful infographic illustrating The Value of Sport, or view the full report here.