Soccer Training Drills You Can Do At Home

Kicking your training goals from home is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Even though the season may be on hold, that doesn’t mean you can’t use this time to skill up on your favourite sport, Soccer! If you want to master your technique, improve physical fitness or get your head in the game, keep reading!
Before we begin, there are some basic things you will need for these drills:
1. Master Technique
Good technique is one of the most important, and visible, elements to making a successful football player. It is the foundation of the game and can take a lot of practise to get right. Below are some key skills you can practise at home.
Dribbling Drills
Dribbling drills are a great way for you to improve your speed and ball control. Layout your field markers or cones in a straight line, triangle or other shape in your backyard or driveway. Begin by moving the ball through the cones, weaving in and out. Change it up with quick touches to the ball, while focusing on your control and speed to add variety to your drills.
Ball Control
Wall pass soccer drills are another great way to build-up your control of the ball at home using very little equipment. Find a sturdy wall or soccer ball rebound net that you can kick your ball up against. Position yourself to face the wall and kick the ball against it with one foot, and try to catch the ball with the other. Then kick the ball back into the wall with the same foot and repeat the process until you lose control of the ball. This may seem difficult at first, but as they say, practice makes perfect.
If you want to work on your passing abilities and strengthen the muscles in your foot, the Push-Pull exercise is perfect for at-home soccer training. For this exercise, all you need is your ball and your feet! Set your ball down and place your foot on top. Move the ball between your heel and your toe repeatedly as fast as you can. Switch feet and repeat!
2. Physical Fitness
Having great technique is important, but so is having the speed, endurance and strength to out-run and out-play your opponents. Here a few things you can do from home to help you keep up and improve upon your physical fitness.
Running. Yes, we know this is old school, but running is one of the best ways to build both physical and mental endurance. Make it fun and pump your favourite tunes to keep you going (and going, and going, and going). Suicides are another great sprinting drill that helps to build your endurance and speed. Simply sprint to multiple, progressively distanced, markers, as fast as you can within a set.
Improve your speed and agility and fast footwork with Agility Ladder Drills. Running, stepping, jumping, weaving - there are many exercises you can do with an agility ladder that can help you improve fast feet and build overall endurance.
Core strength and balance are essential skills to hold your ground against the opponent. Banded toe taps are a great way to build your leg strength and balance. Pop a resistance band around your ankles and stand with your feet together. Tap one foot forward, to the side and backwards while engaging your core and hip muscles. Then repeat with the other foot.
3. Mental Fitness
Having strong mental health is a vital component to help you stay positive, focused, increases self-confidence and can encourage a stronger mind & body connection.
Practicing yoga for 30mins a day, after practicing drills, can help you create a stronger mind & body connection. By physically slowing down and focusing on your breath can allow your lungs and body to take a break after a high-intensity session.
Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are personal self-talk phrases that are repeated over and over that help to influence your subconscious mind to believe as true. By changing the narrative in your mind away from negative self-talk when you’re feeling fatigued, focusing on weaknesses or outcomes and replacing it with positive thinking that’s focused on confidence in your ability and achievements, can really shift the way you perform.