5 Scooter Board Activities for Kids

Need to keep the kids active and entertained during isolation? Scooter boards are a great way to get the kids moving, strengthen their muscles and develop their gross motor skills. If you’re wanting your kids to burn energy, learn new skills and encourage an active lifestyle, a scooter board is every parent (and kids) best friend! We’ve put together 5 scooter board activities that will keep your child amused for hours! Let’s get the fun rolling!
1. Escape the Maze:

Turn your space into a maze! Mazes are a great way to get the kids to utilise their problem-solving & coordination skills while having fun at the same time! Make it active by adding in a scooter board to the maze game. First, mark out a maze using masking tape or chalk and place the scooter board at the centre of the maze, then challenge your kid to follow the paths and find the way out! Use the items from around the house as mini-check points where they can collect ‘points’ and be rewarded by making their way through the game.
2. Body Bowling:
Be the bowling ball and knock over all the pins. Body bowling guarantees a strike every time and is a super fun game to play for kids to introduce them to bowling. Find an open space in your house or driveway and line up the foam bowling pins. Then get your child to lay down on the scooter board and use their arms to propel them forward and slide on into the pins, with the goal to knock them all down!
3. Play Marco Polo
Marco Polo on a scooter board takes hide and seek to the next level! First, clear the space of any potentially harmful or delicate furniture. Get your child to lay tummy down on the scooter board and put on a blindfold. Get them to count to ten, while you hide somewhere in the room and have them shout MARCO while you respond with POLO until they find you in the room by following the sound of your voice.
4. Strength Tester:
Want to test the strength of your kids? The Strength Tester game is a great way to measure how hard they can press off the wall using their leg muscles. This game is best to be played outside as it requires their feet to push them off a wall while laying on their back on the scooter board. Mark parallel lines on the ground with chalk 30cm apart from the wall. At each line, allocate 10 points. Each time your child bounces back from the wall and reaches a marked line, they score points. The further they go, the higher the score!
5. Monkey Takes Down The Washing
Here’s a way to get the kids into doing chores (you can thank us later)! Tie a rope between two poles or pieces of furniture (about 60-70cm off the ground) and place pegs along the rope. Position your child to lie on the scooter board on their back, with a bowl on their belly and their knees up to cradle the bowl. Then, have your child pull themselves along the rope using their hands, removing all the pegs and placing them in the bowl as they roll along.
Get the fun rolling and share your scooter board games with us! Simply post to your socials tagging @hartsportau to be featured in our Stories!