6 Favourite Parachute Games
Parachutes are a favourite among kids of all ages. We know they are often used in early childhood programs, but we recently pulled out the parachute with a group of 6-10-year-olds, and the cheers of excitement were deafening! Not only fun, but parachutes are also a great way to build strength, coordination and teamwork, making them perfect for PE and PMP Activities.
Here are our kids’ 6 favourite Parachute Games:

While sitting or standing, children hold the edge of the parachute tightly
Children move their arms up and down to make waves – the bigger the arm movements, the bigger the waves!
OPTION: Read or create a story about an adventure sailing across the seas – sometimes it’s smooth sailing small / no waves, and sometimes it’s very rough and stormy (big waves). Get the children the play along and match the waves they create to the story.

Children stand up and hold the edge of the parachute tightly.
Pull the parachute taut and lower so the parachute sits just off the ground.
On the count of 3, lift the parachute up above the head and take a step towards the centre of the circle. The parachute will fill with air like a giant mushroom!
OPTION: Once the mushroom has been formed, the children can let go of the parachute as the same time. On a still day, the mushroom will keep it shape and lift further into the air.

While sitting or standing, children hold the edge of the parachute tightly.
Children hold the parachute taut and a bucket of (soft) balls are thrown into the middle.
The children to work together to bounce all the balls off the chute creating a popcorn effect!
OPTION: Split the group into two groups. The first group is trying to bounce the balls off the parachute, while the second group is trying to keep them on.

Children hold the edge of the parachute tightly at about waist height.
One child is selected to crawl around underneath the parachute (the mouse), while another child is selected to go on top (cat).
The cat needs to find the mouse, but the rest of the group try and keep the mouse hidden by moving the chute up and down.

Children hold the edge of the parachute
Each child is given the name of a fruit, for example apple, orange, watermelon or strawberry (use as many fruit as you like, but try and ensure that there are at least 3-4 children per fruit - for larger groups, you can have 6-8 children per fruit).
Call out the name of a fruit, and everyone with the fruit must run under the parachute, swapping positions with a player on the other side with the same fruit name.
When Fruit Salad is called, everyone must run under the parachute and find a new position on the other side.
OPTION: You can play this with other items such as animals or numbers and create a little quiz, for example, rather than calling out ‘4’, ask ‘2 + 2 =’ and those with the number 4, must run.

1. Children hold the edge of the parachute tightly with one hand, their body turned to the side.
2. Children walk, run, hop, jump or skip around in a clockwise direction creating a Merry-go-Round effect with the parachute.
OPTION: Play along to music – when the music stops, the children must turnaround to go back the other way (anti-clockwise).
So, there you have it, the top 6 games to play with a parachute as voted by our kids! They really are fun for any size group and any age – including the adults. Check out our range of Parachutes today to get started!